Technological Revolution in Rhinoplasty

Septorhinoplasty is a surgery to aesthetically shape the nose and correct the curvatures in the cartilaginous structure called septum within the nose. Septorhinoplasty surgery primarily aims to correct the patient’s breathing and restructure the nose shape in harmony with the patient’s face, taking into account the patient’s demands.

Curvatures in the cartilaginous structure called septum, which is located in the middle part of the nose and divides the nostrils into two, are very common in society and are one of the most common anatomical causes of nasal breathing problems. Curvatures in the nasal cartilage, called septum deviation, not only cause mouth breathing and related oral hygiene and dental problems, but also can pave the way for serious disorders that we call sleep apnea, which can cause chronic heart and lung diseases. In recent years, breathing difficulties due to septum deviation have increased in daily life. It has been observed that it can negatively affect sleep and cause mental problems such as depression.


With septorhinoplasty surgery, the patient’s facial harmony is improved and self-confidence is increased, while the nasal breathing problem is corrected and the quality of life is increased in many aspects.

  • Treatment Duration : 7 Days

  • Stay in Hospital : 1 Day

  • Operation: 2-4 Hours

  • Back to Work : 1-2 Weeks



Septorhinoplasty surgery is a procedure performed under general anesthesia and is performed with two basic approaches, which we call open and closed techniques. In the approach we call open technique, the nose is accessed through a small incision made in the structure called columella, located in the middle of the nostrils, and a wide field of vision and working area is obtained. In the closed technique, All incisions are made inside the nose to reach the inside of the nose and the back of the nose. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages, and therefore the surgeon and the patient must jointly decide which approach to choose. While the wide view and working area obtained in the open technique is preferred in cases such as fractures and curvatures in the nose, the closed technique is preferred in noses that require limited correction. . However, since the use of electronic devices such as piezo and tour is possible in the open technique, the open technique is preferred by many surgeons. In my own practice, I prefer closed technique rhinoplasty only in patients who require limited arch removal and nasal tip intervention, and in the majority of my patients, open technique is preferred. I perform rhinoplasty surgeries using the technical method.



The recovery process after septorhinoplasty begins immediately after the end of the surgery. In the first week, taping and plaster are applied on the nose to ensure that the nose maintains the form obtained by surgery, while a tampon is placed in the nose to prevent bleeding and septal hematoma and to ensure the patient’s breathing. In my own practice, I also apply antibacterial creams to the patients inside the nose and to the stitched parts. I both control infection and prevent the nose from crusting.

Approximately 1 week after the surgery, plaster and tampons are removed and only taping is applied to the nose to ensure faster healing of the edema. When deemed necessary, some supplementary foods and medications can be used to accelerate healing.

During the recovery period, for a period recommended by the patient’s doctor;

Not using glasses: Since the use of glasses will put pressure on the nasal bones, glasses should not be used until the bones are fully healed.

Protection from sun rays: Sun rays may cause spots on the skin in the early period after surgery.

Lack of physical activities such as lifting weights: Positive pressure in the nose during straining can cause rupture and bleeding in the vein inside the nose.

Avoid swimming to prevent the mucosa in the nose from coming into contact with water: Contact of the nasal mucosa with tap water or pool-sea water is not recommended due to the increased risk of infection.



    The main postoperative complications that may be encountered in the septorhinoplasty procedure are;

    These are problems such as bleeding, infection, blood accumulation in the nose, which I call septal hematoma, and dissatisfaction with the shape of the nose. The risk of bleeding and septal hematoma is minimized by placing a tampon in the nose after the surgery, while the risk of infection is minimized with antibiotics given before and after the surgery. One of the complications seen in septorhinoplasty is that the patient is uncomfortable with the shape of the nose. This situation can be minimized with good patient-physician communication; After the surgeon listens to the patient carefully and understands the patient’s aesthetic expectations thoroughly, he informs the patient about the limits of the surgery and thus the patient gets rid of unrealistic expectations after the surgery and has a healthy idea about the process.

    Since septoplasty is a surgery that requires intense technical knowledge and experience, the patient’s choice of a surgeon experienced in the procedure for a good result plays a key role in the success rate of the surgery.



    Septornioplasty corrects a problem that will negatively affect the patient’s health, such as a breathing problem, while improving the aesthetics of the nose. In this way, the patient’s physical health is improved and his self-confidence is increased.